At the local Hindu temple, there was a speaker who came to talk about Hinduism, Indian culture, and people’s perceptions of the Hindu religion. She shared that worship isn’t necessarily about worshiping a higher power in a holy place. Instead, she believes that this greater power lives within each person, and the temple is more of a place to find peace within yourself.

Before this, I thought all Indians were the same and had the same culture. But going to this event made me realize there are different tribes and ethnic groups, which lead to differences in culture and food. I also learned there are many deities in Hinduism, each with a specific purpose. For example, Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge and the arts, Hanuman represents wisdom and strength, and Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, just to name a few.

In Hindu culture, flowers and fruits are used a lot as offerings to deities during worship because they symbolize purity, beauty, and the cycle of life. They act as a way to connect with the divine through their natural qualities. The lotus flower, in particular, stands out because it represents spiritual enlightenment and purity.

In the end, I learned so much about Hinduism, from the diversity of the tribes to their perceptions of each other, and even the meanings behind the use of flowers and food.

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