For my second enrichment I had been to the Barack Rima talk on the 3rd of October where she had spoken to us on the problem he had making art in different countries she had worked for most of the countries she had censorship problems. Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. Barack Rima had shared her thoughts on censorship and listed some types of censorships which had made sense to me. She started with self censorship where individual censor themselves in order to make works that is accepted by every one and she had  ended with financial censorship where artist can  not make and publish works they want since publications do not think that would bring in money. Later on in the talk she had made us make our own form of comics since it was her style of work.

I had made a comic work with a sequence of two works representing the way famous people in particular have to be two faced to be considered not controversial.

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